Saturday, 23 August 2014

Continuing Recovery

I've had a couple of days now of following the physio's advice regarding strengthening and stretching - calf raises, calf raises with knees bent to get to the soleus muscles; rolling out the tightness with a foam roller; stretching the upper calf and soleus. I have also been working on the right hip which is weak again (this follows a previous injury there about four years ago), and is almost certainly contributing to a twist in posture of the right leg and pressure on the soleus. It is always very tempting to overdo the exercises in an effort to get back running more quickly. As with other things, I suppose it is always a balance, in this case between doing too little and doing too much. At the moment, my right calf aches from the exercise whilst my left calf feels nothing at all and finds the whole thing incredibly easy. If my calves could talk to each other the left one would be heavily taking the piss out of the weakness of the right one at the moment. I can only hope that the ache is a good ache of continued work and recovery, and not a bad ache of further damage. It is an ache, and not a pain, and I am therefore hopeful...I still hope to begin some slow, low-mileage running in the near future...

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