Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Injured! :-(

Two months to go until the marathon and I have been injured for the last two weeks. Following a slightly unusual long training run with a few changes of pace, I felt fine but woke up with a minor calf strain. A few short runs during the next week just exacerbated the problem, so I've been resting and icing the calf.

Being an injured runner is incredibly frustrating, especially when training for a long distance (e.g., a marathon) for which miles in the legs seem more important than any other factor. After a lovely build up of training miles I can't help but feel I am falling behind and losing all of that hard work whilst I am unable to run. However, as with life more generally, I figure it is not the times when things are easy that really test us, but the times when things are hard. I have to take the long view, recover, and ease myself back into training....as long as that long view isn't so long I miss the marathon altogether...

So today I attempted an incredibly short, incredibly slow three-mile plod, following about ten days of rest. I felt a twinge in the calf after about half a mile, which gradually eased to the point I felt nothing between 1 and 2 miles. Then during mile 3 I felt a slight background soreness again. I'm currently icing it and hoping for the best...will see how it feels tomorrow.

I am raising money for the type 1 diabetes charity, JDRF; please sponsor me: https://www.justgiving.com/TimJonesEden

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