Wednesday, 24 September 2014

My trusty steed - the x-bike

After the second time I injured my right calf, I borrowed an exercise bike (called the x-bike) from my friend, Martin, who had used it to help recover from a broken ankle. Initially, I was dubious - it is very much nothing like riding a real bike, there is no air resistance so you can get up some decent pedal speeds which aren't realistic. However, it has become a trustworthy companion to my recovery, meaning that I can at least get some aerobic fitness which I am not really getting from the slow runs my calf forces me to do. I put in another half-marathon on the x-bike this evening in about 35 minutes, with a bit of stretching out afterwards. I'm still doing at least 3 sets of the calf strengthening and stretching exercises the physio gave me every day, as well as the hip strengthening from my hip injury a few years ago. I very much look forward to the day I can run freely again without issues from the calf, and hope that all of this work will be rewarded with joyous, windswept running through the unkempt wilderness again before too long :-)

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