Saturday, 27 September 2014

Why I enjoy running

There are various reasons why I love running. It has a physicality of speed and rhythm, of lungs and heart pumping, of neurochemicals and hormones coursing through veins. It has a mentality, an inner silence and calm, the physical effort meaning that thoughts become less complex, more dreamlike and floating, like a trance. It is simple and cheap; all you need is some clothes and a decent pair of trainers and you can step out of your door and start running in the great outdoor world; as distances get longer you can visit many terrains and environs. It is primative - we are animals that are designed to run, not sit in rotating chairs stairing at screens. Whilst sometimes there is pain and effort, there can also be joy, euphoria, and the satisfaction of self improvement. Most distance runners I meet have a steady manner, a long view, and an appreciation that everyone is different with different abilities, and that beating your own best time is an achievement to be celebrated, no matter what that time is. These reasons are what motivate me to strive to overcome injury and get back running freely, I very much hope that I can.

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