Sunday 7 December 2014

Best long run so far

A beautiful winter's morning - relatively mild and clear, blue, sunny skies. I get the hat on, partly to keep warm but mostly to keep my hair out of my eyes. From early on I'm feeling pretty good and the mile times are quicker than I intended, but the calf is mostly okay. Somewhat recklessly I push on because it is exhilarating to be running through that morning at a half-decent pace, but I am aware this may be stupid and keep my senses on the calf. It gets harder from about 9 miles onwards, and I can feel the calf struggling a bit for the last couple of miles. In total I complete 14 miles in 1:45:30, just over 7:30 minute miles on average - I am very happy with that! just have to do some after-care on the legs.

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